About Academic Success Coaching
Our Mission
Academic success coaches guide students towards academic success when assisting students in developing and achieving their short term and long term academic, professional, and personal goals. Academic success coaches are available to support students in making the most out of their educational journey by facilitating the learning and application of successful academic skills.
Available to all UWB students, academic success coaching occurs in 1:1 coaching sessions to work with students in improving their communication with professors, time management, learning strategies, goal setting and motivation, note-taking, and test-taking skills. Academic success coaches serve as a resource for students to learn how they can improve themselves as scholars engaged within our UWB community and greater community. Academic success coaching provides students with best practice tools and strategies designed to improve their learning experience and academic performance.
Learning Outcomes
We support students in:
- Learning how to become strategic learners
- Recognizing and utilizing on and off campus resources available to them
- Identifying and building upon their academic strengths
- Engaging in self-reflective activities to encourage development of self-efficacy and self-regulation
- Creating meaningful and attainable academic, professional, and personal goals
- Prioritizing their academics along with self and community care
How is Coaching Different From Academic Advisors/Counseling Services?
Academic Advisors support students by helping build class schedules, tracking progress towards a degree, and supporting students to reach their personal goals. They also work with students to identify career options and next steps. While academic advisors and academic success coach do work closely together, academic success coach does not assist students with course selection, major declaration, monitoring degree requirements and academic progress, or withdrawal or leave of absence.
Mental Health Counselors like those found in the Counseling Center focus mainly on mental health concerns. They work with students to facilitate academic success, mental health and personal development. Because mental wellness impacts student success, academic success coach primarily help students address issues related to motivation, developing effective academic strategies, and skill building. This generally requires an emphasis on present and future goals rather than discussing challenges in the past.
When helpful, academic success coach can make the appropriate referrals to other UW Bothell resources and assist students with appointment scheduling.
What can I expect a coaching session to look like?
Every coaching session is personalized for you and depends on what you want to talk with an Academic Success Coach about. Coach will typically try to get to know you and what your current strategies for balancing your academics are. The Coach will ask you a few questions about your habits and work with you to find potential areas of change or growth. Our hope is that this is an interactive process where coaches work with you to reach your academic goals. It is okay if you don’t know where to start. We are here to help! Coaches will share strategies and various resources based on the conversation. In addition, they will help connect you with any campus resources that would be most helpful for you.
Do I Need a Referral?
No, anyone is welcome to meet with the Academic Success Coach. We use a referral system for faculty and staff to notify students about the Academic Coach, but there is no requirement beyond a desire to make positive academic change and any.
I’m a Faculty/Staff/Student Club and want the Academic Coach to speak to our group!
Please send an email to successcoaches@uw.edu with the day, time, location, and topic selection. The Academic Coach is available to present on the following topics, ranging from 30 – 60 minutes:
- Introduction to Academic Coaching
- Time Management
- Study Skills Inventory
- Test Preparation
- Other topics as requested
Want to learn more?
Call: (425) 352-3786
Email: successcoaches@uw.edu