Fulbright ‘Top Producer’ lists name UW and UW Bothell

The University of Washington is proud to be included on the list of U.S. colleges and universities that produced the most 2022-2023 Fulbright U.S. students and scholars. This recognition is given to the U.S. colleges and universities that received the highest number of applicants selected for the 2022-23 Fulbright U.S. Student and Fulbright U.S. Scholar...

February 13, 2023

Connected Learning and Sponsored Research Annual Report FY22

The Offices of Sponsored Research and Connected Learning are proud to present their efforts through the FY 2022 Annual Report showcasing sponsored projects of UW Bothell faculty and staff and how students engage in connected learning programs.

January 5, 2023

What I learned after Czech-ing out of Prague – w/ Angelina Bagnovets

Proving her theory is just one of the satisfactions Angelina Bagnovets earned from the trip to Prague in the Czech Republic. The study abroad program sponsored by Global Initiatives provided the opportunity for her to take a look at thinking critically about contemporary social issues. Spending a part of your university experience abroad will expand...

January 1, 2023

Building mental health resilience to stress

Kosuke Niitsu, an assistant professor in the School of Nursing & Health Studies, researches mental health resilience by surveying how UW Bothell students respond to virtual mindfulness exercises.

November 3, 2022

November is UW Global Month!

The UW educates more than 50,000 students annually, and the Husky community is connected around the globe. Thanks to our incredible faculty and researchers, we have partnerships and projects in 130+ countries, yielding a world of opportunity for students such as study abroad, research, internships, and classroom experiential learning. During the month of November, we highlight the connections and relationships the UW has all over the world and the impact of our University’s global engagement.

October 26, 2022

You’ll never know why till you try… – CSR in Thailand and Cambodia w/ Henos Adhana

Absorbing the culture shock is not the only thing Henos Adhana has undergone in Thailand and Cambodia. He took the chance to participate in the study abroad program after receiving a notification from Global Initiatives. Spending a part of your university experience abroad will expand your understanding of the world and help you develop global...

October 10, 2022

Pasta, Pizza, and Gelato: Eating Little Else and Learning Lots While Studying Abroad in Italy – w/ Rileigh Thompson

Rileigh Thompson, UW Bothell study abroad ambassador in 2022, had a blast on the trip to Italy when joining the Global Initiatives program, “UW PoE Italy: Interdisciplinary Studies on Environment and Society – Past and Present.” She documented this unforgettable journey with all the distinct experiences and stunning places in the video. UW Bothell Study...

September 20, 2022