Admission policy

The University of Washington Bothell seeks students who can benefit from its wealth of academic and cultural opportunities and will contribute to the campus environment. Choosing students from an academically talented group of applicants requires a selection process that looks beyond grades and standardized tests.

While grades are important, they tell only part of a student’s story. UW Bothell uses a holistic application review process to identify well-rounded and highly qualified students by learning more about each applicant’s story and taking into account many aspects of a student’s achievements and personal history. Factors considered include rigor of curriculum, grades and test scores, activities or accomplishments, educational goals, life experiences, special talents, and cultural awareness. The list is not exhaustive, and the factors are not of equal weight; moreover, no single factor is sufficient to confer admission.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure the application is complete and true, and to be aware of all pertinent admission and application requirements. Failure to disclose complete and accurate information (e.g. all colleges/universities attended) and/or failure to submit all required application materials may result in the denial of admission or subsequent dismissal from the University.

How to apply

Application to the UW Bothell campus is a separate process from application to the UW Seattle or UW Tacoma campuses and requires submission of a separate online application, transcript(s), and other required records. Students apply online through the Office of Admissions webite.

Appeal of admission decisions

Students who are denied admission to UW Bothell or placed on the waiting list may request further consideration by presenting a written petition and additional information in support of their application to the Office of Admissions at