
Who Signs What?


Late Class Add

Late Add Petition
This form must be used to add a class after the official Late Class Add period; that is, starting the fourth week of the quarter. The instructor and the department chair must sign, and the petition is submitted at the Office of the Registrar. No adviser’s signature is required, but the student must provide a written statement explaining the circumstances for the late add.

Credit Limit per Quarter

Students are restricted to 19 credits in Registration Periods 1 and 2, but then may register for up to 30 credits without any special authorization. Programs of more than 30 credits are not allowed. Any UW Educational Outreach credits are included in this 30-credit maximum.
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Registration Transaction Form
Web Registration will not allow a student to register for a course as an audit. The student should register for the course, then take the Registration Transaction Form to the Registrar’s Office to have the registration changed to audit. The instructor’s permission is required but only the student’s signature, indicating that the student has the instructor’s approval. Some instructors and departments do not allow audits.

A student may change a course to audit only through the unrestricted drop period. Changes to audit after the second week of the quarter are not allowed. Audited courses appear on the quarterly grade report but not on the student’s transcript.

Course Conflicts

Registration Transaction Form
MyUW will not allow a student to register for two courses that overlap. A student who wishes to schedule overlapping courses must obtain the permission of both instructors. If the overlap is one hour or less per week only the student’s signature is required, indicating that the student has the approval of the instructors. If the overlap is more than one hour, the signatures of both instructors are required. The student should register for one of the courses, then email the signed form to the Registrar’s Office where the student will be registered for the other course (if the course is open, of course, and the student is otherwise eligible).

Change in Credit for Variable-Credit Course

Registration Transaction Form
A change in credit for a variable-credit course can be made through the tenth day of the quarter, and no signature is required. Any change (increase or decrease) in variable credits after the tenth day requires the instructor’s signature on the Registration Transaction Form. The form is submitted at the Registrar’s Office. Back to top


Extension of an Incomplete

There is no form. The instructor should send an email to Registrar’s Office indicating the length of the extension. Extensions should be received before the end of the quarter immediately following the quarter in which the “I” was granted. Incompletes cannot be extended beyond one year from the quarter in which they are incurred. For example, an incomplete incurred Autumn quarter will, if not made up, convert to a “0.0” (or other grade if previously arranged by the instructor) at the end of Winter quarter. The instructor, however, may extend the time allowed for removal of the incomplete till the end of the Autumn quarter immediately following.
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Most faculty either aren’t aware of the incomplete extension procedure or don’t bother with it, so it generally won’t happen unless the student asks the instructor to do it. Once the incomplete has converted to a 0.0, it can’t be changed back to an I. If the incomplete converts to a 0.0, the student still has the same one year to make up the incomplete. When the grade is submitted, the 0.0 is erased and the grade entered in its place.

A student asking for an extension beyond one year should be referred to the Office of the Registrar. In general, there must be documentation that the delay is the University’s (usually, the instructor’s) fault.

Satisfactory Progress

Extended Premajor Status

Change of College/School and Major or Minor
Any department adviser can fill in a change of major form (on Slate) to give a premajor extension to students preparing to enter their department.

Veterans Program Forms

Veterans may be required to provide specific documentation in order to receive educational benefits at the UW. Please refer to Veteran Services and then a departmental advisor if an educational plan is needed.

Majors and Graduation

Change of College/School and Major or Minor

Any student seeking to change their major must work with their current academic advisor to submit a change of major form in Slate. This form is then sent to the academic advisor of the newly requested major for approval. If you are an academic advisor and need access to the Change of Major form in Slate, please ask your supervisor for assistance.

Application for Degree

Web Application for Graduation (WAG)

The Web Application for Degree is submitted by student’s departmental adviser(s), then reviewed by the Registrar’s Office.
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Statements of Attendance, Certification of GPA

Statements of attendance and/or certification of cumulative GPA for purposes of auto insurance, loan deferments, etc. are filled out and stamped with an official University seal at the Registrar’s Office.
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