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UW Bothell honors Green family’s roots in campus and community with 2017 Legacy Award
UW Bothell presented its Legacy Award to the Simonds/Green family for their commitment to education and contributions to the campus and city. Ronald Green Jr., Janet Green Hunter and Darrell Green are the grandchildren of Sarah Simonds Green, who is memorialized with a conservatory.
May 8, 2017
Jody Early, UW Bothell School of Nursing & Health Sciences, wins Distinguished Teaching Award for Innovation with Technology
Jody Early, an associate professor in the University of Washington Bothell School of Nursing & Health Sciences, is the recipient of the 2017 Distinguished Teaching Award for Innovation with Technology.
April 27, 2017
‘Special spice’ in writing center consultations
The first time Gautam Kumar submitted a cybersecurity paper to a conference, it “failed spectacularly." But with assistance from the University of Washington Bothell Writing and Communications Center, Kumar succeeded in having the paper accepted at a conference in Portugal where he presented his work.
April 11, 2017
Jody Early wins teaching innovation award
Jody Early, an associate professor in the University of Washington Bothell School of Nursing & Health Sciences, is the recipient of the UW 2017 Distinguished Teaching Award for Innovation with Technology.
April 6, 2017
Student discovers his gift for debate
After taking Denise Vaughan’s introduction to debate class, Aaron Yared joined the UW Bothell debate team, improved his classroom performance, changed his career goal to law and won third place in the Pi Kappa Delta National Comprehensive Speech and Debate Tournament.
April 6, 2017
Boss wins 2017 Distinguished Teaching Award
Alan Boss, an assistant professor in the University of Washington Bothell School of Business, is the recipient of the University’s 2017 Distinguished Teaching Award.
March 31, 2017
UW Bothell wins Community Transit award
Community Transit presented its Innovation and Revitalization Champion of the Year award to the University of Washington Bothell for adding U-Cars, electric charging stations and bike repair stations to campus.
March 31, 2017
Seven acclaimed in second Husky 100
Seven seniors from UW Bothell are acclaimed this year in the Husky 100 – students from all three UW campuses who make the most of their Husky experience. Husky 100 students are known for their innovation, commitment to inclusivity, capacity for leadership and how they connect learning and experience.
March 30, 2017
Alan Boss wins 2017 Distinguished Teaching Award
Alan Boss, an assistant professor in the University of Washington Bothell School of Business, is the recipient of the University’s 2017 Distinguished Teaching Award.
March 30, 2017
Aaron Yared takes a 3rd place in debate nationals
A member of the University of Washington Bothell Speech and Debate Team, Aaron Yared, took a third place in the Pi Kappa Delta National Comprehensive Speech and Debate Tournament. The junior in law, economics and public policy won third place in the Novice Division International Public Debate Association style debate during the completion over spring break in Boise, Idaho.
March 28, 2017
Two computer scientists win Fulbrights
Two University of Washington Bothell computer scientists, Michael Stiber, left, and Brent Lagesse, right, have won Fulbright scholar awards for advanced research in Europe.
March 17, 2017
Heuving wins faculty achievement award
Jeanne Heuving, professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, is the recipient of the University of Washington Bothell 2017 Distinguished Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Award.
March 10, 2017