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Online software certificate addresses cyber need
To increase access to the graduate certificate program in software design and development, UW Bothell will also offer it online, starting fall quarter 2018. The goal is to help move more interested people into the cybersecurity workforce.
January 11, 2018
Students share their priorities with lawmakers
UW Bothell students would like the Legislature to advance plans for a new academic building on campus. Student leaders shared their priorities with three local lawmakers at a Jan. 3 legislative send-off.
January 5, 2018
‘Amazing’ help for Marine mom’s nonprofit
All the marketing advice and connections provided by a UW Bothell faculty member were “amazing,” says the founder of the Lion Heart Foundation, which encourages the military to detect heart problems like the one that took the life of her Marine son.
January 5, 2018
Class project connects students to their culture
John Son discovered something about his Cambodian heritage during a class project that helped the Burke Museum staff prepare artifacts for the move to a new building.
December 28, 2017
Research themes drive Au’s teaching and books
“My research is broad, kind of dispersed,” says University of Washington Bothell School of Educational Studies Professor Wayne Au, “ but it’s all in one big basket.”Au focuses on politics, power and social justice in education.
December 28, 2017
Study abroad paves way for Peace Corps job
A UW Bothell study abroad trip to Togo in 2014 helped Alexandra Winters understand the challenges of international work. Many of the lessons — flexibility, intercultural communication and community advocacy — translated into Peace Corps service.
December 27, 2017
Straight story from Eastside Leadership Center
Christine Noel Straight, an alumna, program administrator at the School of Business Eastside Leadership Center and a 2017 UW Bothell staff appreciation award winner, was highlighted in the school's fall newsletter.
December 27, 2017
Creating social marketing for community partner
UW Bothell students gave Arcora, a dental health foundation, some creative ideas for a social media marketing campaign targeted at improving the health of pregnant women and new mothers.
December 20, 2017
Students introduce young pupils to coding
The kids in an after-school YMCA program at Sand Point Elementary in Seattle learn programming from UW Bothell computer science students who, in return, learn something about teaching.
December 20, 2017
Local legislators discuss upcoming session
The state lawmakers for Washington District 1, which includes Bothell and surrounding areas, will discuss the 2018 session at a send-off Jan. 3 at the University of Washington Bothell / Cascadia College campus.
December 19, 2017
Lights inspire colorful computer graphic art
Red is the dominant color of 10 computer graphic prints exhibited at UW Bothell by Korean artist Kipil Kim. Some were inspired by things Kim saw while visiting the United States for the first time: red taillights of traffic, red Christmas lights and the red tinge of mountains in the morning light.
December 19, 2017
UW Bothell 2017 year in review
It’s been a year of discovery and achievement at UW Bothell. Here’s our review of the most important stories of 2017.
December 19, 2017