Prepare for weekend snow

Another large scale winter snowstorm is anticipated to hit the Bothell area as early as this Friday morning, February 8. This event could possibly bring with it 6 to 12 inches of new snowfall to the area.
Above all, your safety is our top priority. We are implementing our inclement weather plan to ensure our campus facilities are safe and that essential functions are operating. If you see an area on campus that appears unsafe, please call 425-352-5466. Our crews will take care of it quickly.
Please take time to prepare for impacts to transportation, school and work.
• Prepare now to work at home if conditions prevent you from getting to campus. If you are classified personnel, talk with your supervisor to see if there is work you can do at home. If you use a computer for work, bring it home with you.
• Be prepared for a power outage at home. Now’s the time to stock up on batteries, food, prescriptions and fuel.
• For information on suspended operations, go to
• Check your bus route before leaving home:
UW Bothell leadership will be monitoring conditions on the road and on campus during the storm. Road conditions vary throughout the region; use your best judgement when deciding whether to travel to campus. If the campus is closed or opening late, please don’t come in early. Campus closures are employed to keep you safe.
In the event of a late start or closure, we use UW Alert to deliver text and email alerts. Sign up for UW Alert at
Here are the other tools we will use to keep you informed:
• UW Bothell website:
• (in the event of a sustained power outage on campus, use
• UW Alert (text or email) Sign up for UW Alert:
• UW Bothell information line: 425-352-3333
• (@uwbothell)
Find more resources on our emergency page.