2023 Winter Quarter Research Awards

Winter 2023 UW Bothell Sponsored Awards
Congratulations to the following researchers who have received funding announcements this winter from January 1, 2023 to March 31, 2023.
“Rumbling, cracking, and knocking: Learning about landslides in the Greater Seattle Area” a Collaboration with Catholic Kwandong University, Korea
Dr. Jin-Kyu Jung
UW Bothell at the Environmental Education (EERC) and Research Center in St. Edward State Park
Award date: 2/27/2023
Start date: 2/25/2023 | End date: 12/24/2023
Catholic Kwandong University, National Research Foundation of Korea
Impact of smoke on ozone and oxidant chemistry in urban and rural areas in the U.S.
Dr. Daniel Jaffe
Award date: 3/9/2023
Start date: 9/1/2022 | End date: 8/31/2025
Sponsor: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Collaborative Research: Aerosols, Nitrogen Oxides, and Ozone at the Mt. Bachelor Observatory
Dr. Daniel Jaffe
Award date: 3/10/2023
Start date: 9/1/2018 | End date: 8/31/2023 Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Pathways for culturally and linguistically relevant and sustaining mathematics and science teacher preparation to support multilingual learners
Dr. Carrie Tzou
Goodlad Institute for Educational Renewal
Award date: 3/15/2023
Start date: 6/1/2023 | End date: 5/31/2024 Sponsor: Spencer Foundation
Using reflection seismic data to quantify sub-seabed effects on short-range sound propagation
Dr. Shima Abadi
Award date: 3/21/2023
Start date: 8/1/2021 | End date: 7/31/2024
Sponsor: Office of Naval Research (ONR)
Data-Driven Analysis and Prediction of Ocean Ambient Noise in the Northeast Pacific Ocean Continental Slope
Dr. Shima Abadi
Award date: 3/30/2023
Start date:10/1/2019 | End date: 9/30/2023 Sponsor: Office of Naval Research (ONR)
The NANOGrav Physics Frontiers Center
Dr. Joey Shapiro Key
Award date: 3/30/2023
Start date: 4/1/2021 | End date: 3/31/2024
Sponsor: Oregon State University (OSU), flow through National Science Foundation (NSF)