UW Bothell SRCP Seed Grant Recipients 2022

UW Bothell SRCP Seed Grant Recipients Spring 2022
Congratulations to the following faculty who have received funding! The UW Bothell SRCP Seed Grant Program is intended to competitively support UW Bothell faculty in all disciplines who are starting new projects or relaunching current projects in new directions that have the potential for internal UW and/or external funding. We hope to continue building the research capacity and extramural support for faculty across all Schools.
For the 2022 spring submission, there was a total of $222,057 awarded which was supported by Academic Affairs. From this total, $134,672 will support faculty effort and $20,227 will fund student research effort. Award timeframe is from July 2022 to June 2023 (FY2023).
- Drs. Robin Angotti and Kelvin Sung
Project Title: Using Emerging Technologies to Create Common Learning Environments - Dr. Ching-In Chen
Project Title: Breathing in a Time of Disaster – Emergent Broadcast System - Drs. Linda Eaton and Bryan White
Project Title: Short Mindfulness Activity to Reduce Test Stress (SMARTS) - Drs. Daniel Jaffe and Brandon Finley
Project Title: Impacts of Freeways, Cooking and Wildfires on Indoor Air Quality in a variety of WA households: Towards Actionable Solutions - Dr. Alka Kurian
Project Title: Fourth Wave Feminism in the Global South: A Postcolonial Backlash - Dr. Lori Robins
Project Title: The Persistence of P. aeruginosa in Chronic Wound Biofilms: Insight into the Mechanisms of Action - Dr. Seungkeun Choi
Project Title: Electromagnetic Modulation of Organic Electrochemical Transistors (OECTs) for Chemical/Biological Sensing Applications - Dr. Santiago Lopez
Project Title: New insights on the spatial dynamics of plant invasions in urban parks in the Pacific Northwest
To learn more about the SRCP grant, or track upcoming changes for future submissions, visit SRCP Solicitation page.