2019 Summer REU at UW Bothell
Summer Research Experience for Undergrads

As part of a 3-year $367,000 NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates grant, a cohort of 10 students (4 local and 6 from across the country) guided by Prof. Tad Ghirmai, Prof. Geetha Thamilarasu, and Prof. Kaibao Nie, spent their summer at UW Bothell immersed in bio-medical technology research. The students concluded their program by presenting these project posters at the UW STEM Summer Research Poster Session on Aug 21st at UW Seattle:
Students Presented
“Implementation and Evaluation of Acoustic Vocoders for Simulating Cochlear Implants”
Emil Fonseca, Louisiana Tech University
Natali Gallegos, University of California-Berkeley
“A Deep Learning Approach for ECG Authentication on Implantable Medical Devices”
Christian Alfonso, Seattle Pacific University
Nicole Johnson, Northeastern University
“Comparison of Single-Lead Fetal ECG Extraction Methods”
Koen Flores, University of Florida
Elizabeth Staley, University of Alabama in Huntsville
“Attack Detection in Medical Devices Using Machine Learning”
Adam Snyder, UW Bothell
“Heart Rate Monitoring and Analysis with a Doppler Ultrasound Probe”
Tiana Giaffoglione, UW Bothell
Sydney Swanson, Harvey Mudd College
Rachel Taylor, Prairie View A&M University