Search for the Vice Chancellor for Planning & Administration
UW Bothell’s search for the next Vice Chancellor for Planning & Administration launched in December 2024. We have engaged consultants from Isaacson, Miller to work closely with the advisory search committee to recruit, screen and evaluate candidates.
In January and February 2025, Isaacson, Miller will host a series of virtual and in-person listening sessions with a variety of constituency groups to help identify opportunities and challenges the next VCPA may face in order to develop a profile of the ideal candidate.
To provide candidate nominations, please visit the Isaacson, Miller website for the VCPA search.
Advisory Search Committee for the Vice Chancellor for Planning & Administration
- Scott James, Vice Chancellor, Enrollment Management & Student Affairs (chair)
- Sara Allami, ASUWB Senator for commuter students; undergraduate student, School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
- Keala Aronowitz, Manager of Strategic Initiatives, Advancement
- Bobby Bagsby, Assistant Director of Campus Safety
- Jason Campbell, Vice President for Finance & Budget Strategy and Deputy Chief Financial Officer, UW
- Brian Harkreader, Technical Manager for Infrastructure, Information Technology
- Sylvia James, Vice Chancellor for Finance & Administration, UW Tacoma
- Melissa Keightley, Director, Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- Casey Mann, Professor, Division of Engineering & Mathematics, School of STEM
- Sean Poellnitz, Vice President for Administrative Services, Cascadia College
- Brinda Sarathy, Dean, School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
- Andrea Neubert, administrative support to the advisory search committee
Charge letter
Dear colleagues,
Thank you for agreeing to serve on the advisory search committee to identify and recommend candidates for the position of Vice Chancellor for Planning & Administration at UW Bothell.
Scott James, Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management & Student Affairs, will chair this committee, with Andrea Neubert providing administrative support. We have engaged consultants from Isaacson, Miller to support your work. The Isaacson, Miller team will be led by Joe Kralick who will work closely with you to recruit, screen and evaluate candidates.
In winter quarter, our search consultants will solicit input/feedback from constituency groups that will inform a leadership profile. The committee will use the profile to develop an evaluation rubric that will apply throughout the search process. The search firm will also use the profile to recruit a robust candidate pool. I ask that you identify three to four highly qualified finalists for on-campus interviews and conversations with a variety of constituencies. Following these visits, I ask that you submit a summary of each candidate’s strengths and areas of improvement (without ranking), that represents the breadth of feedback and information gathered throughout the entirety of the search process. I will make the final decision based on collective input.
I ask that you approach this process in a broadly inclusive manner that engages the campus community and seeks a pool of candidates that reflects UW Bothell’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
I will attend a portion of the committee’s kick-off meeting (date to be confirmed) to discuss my priorities and expectations for the position and the search with you. The Attorney General’s Office will provide the committee with an overview of search committee confidentiality and document retention. In addition, all committee members will be expected to participate in implicit bias training.
Our goal is to have the next VCPA begin in summer 2025. This will require a significant commitment from each member of this committee. I am grateful for your willingness to invest the time and energy necessary to reach a successful conclusion for this critical search.
Kristin G. Esterberg, Ph.D.
Chancellor and Professor