Institutional surveys


The Office of Institutional Research is responsible for administering official institutional surveys to admitted students, current students and graduates on a regular basis. This information is benchmarked internally and, where possible, against the results of peer institutions. The instruments include both nationally normed instruments and internally-created instruments.

Our office follows best practices in the creation, analysis and publication of survey results. Findings based on surveys administered by our office will be reported in campus emails and on our in aggregated form, ensuring the confidentiality of all individual responses while maintaining transparency and providing opportunity for exploration and feedback. Two of the most commonly requested surveys for which we maintain data and analysis tools are:

  1. Six Months-Out Survey of Alumni (quarterly) – Administered in collaboration with the UW Office of Educational Assessment to all alumni, six months after degree completion. Survey focuses on current career outcomes and their student experience at UW Bothell;
  2. National Survey on Student Engagement (NSSE) (every three years) – Administered to all undergraduate first-year students and seniors every three years, beginning spring 2017.

To access Institutional Survey reports and learn more about survey administrations at UW-Bothell, please contact us at