Solving Big Problems That Matter (& Deciding Where You Want to Lead)

a Discovery Core Experience
BCORE 115 (Social Sciences)
About This Course
The course will survey how to solve big problems that matter and some of the possible ways that strong leadership might overcome each. The course material will include effective problem-solving methodologies used in the private, public and nonprofit sector.
What Will We Do in the Course?
The class will be immersive and will focus on frameworks for problem solving, social capital / building your networks and reflection on where you want to lead. We’ll build your problem solving tool kit and include introductory-level science, social science, economics, entrepreneurship and leadership materials.
What Will I Leave the Course Knowing?
Upon the completion of the course, students will be introduced to big problems that matter, a way to solve them, and who they are as a leader.
Professor Christy Johnson (she/her)
School of Business

About Professor Johnson
For UW, I have taught: Business Policy and Strategic Management, Solving Big Problems That Matter (and Deciding Where You Want to Lead), Business development, Business Plan Practicum, and Entrepreneurial Marketing
My work combines a data driven approach with the principles of human centered design to develop innovative strategies–that’s what I love to do.
While I’m passionate about data driven decision making, solving problems, and helping individuals discover and develop their talents, I am committed to human sustainability.
My husband and kids (twin boys and a girl) inspire me to work hard and play hard.