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Convocation ceremony starts academic year
Convocation formally launched the 2018-19 University of Washington Bothell academic year and welcomed approximately 840 new first-year students and 900 transfer students to campus. This was the 13th year for the UW Bothell Convocation, a highlight of Welcome Week.
September 28, 2018
Capstones turn tech into stroke therapy
The University of Washington Bothell has leveraged several student engineering and computer science capstone projects to advance innovative therapies for stroke patients.
September 27, 2018
Student government reorganizes around themes
To be more responsive to student needs, the University of Washington Bothell student government (ASUWB) is organized this year around theme-based projects.
September 27, 2018
Blazing a college path for farmworker families
As Upward Bound director in Yakima, Washington, Catalina Alvarez-Villanueva helps low-income and first-generation families prepare for college. The Yakima Valley native knows the journey well, having gone to the University of Washington Bothell and back home.
September 21, 2018
Global Health minor has interdisciplinary appeal
A new minor in Global Health at the University of Washington Bothell this fall is designed to appeal not only to students in the School of Nursing & Health Studies but also to students in other disciplines looking to broaden their expertise and job prospects.
September 20, 2018
Welcome Week: Get connected, become involved
Fall quarter, the beginning of the academic year, brings thousands of students to the University of Washington Bothell campus for new challenges and opportunities. Welcome Week is filled with dozens of activities to help the students create community with each other and prepare for the year ahead.
September 14, 2018
Convergence of campus arts, literary community
Just as winds meet in the Puget Sound Convergence Zone, visiting writers mix with MFA students at UW Bothell’s Fall Convergence. The Sept. 29 symposium features readings around the theme of “alternating facts.”
September 13, 2018
Meet the new faculty members on campus
In advance of fall quarter Sept. 26, the University of Washington Bothell welcomes faculty new to the campus community in the schools of Business, Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, and Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics.
September 13, 2018
UW Bothell-Muckleshoot management program graduates first class
A partnership between the University of Washington Bothell School of Business and the Muckleshoot Tribal College graduated its first operations management certificate class on Aug. 25.
September 6, 2018
UW Bothell advances self-driving trike
The self-driving tricycle project at the University of Washington Bothell is rolling forward, giving students the opportunity to develop engineering and computing skills in the field of autonomous vehicles.
September 6, 2018
The art of empathy in homeless housing
New artworks on the walls of Ronald Commons are especially meaningful to residents of the 60-unit housing development, many of whom were once homeless. They created the art themselves with University of Washington Bothell students.
August 17, 2018
Nursing students ask: Ready for a disaster?
For a community health class, University of Washington Bothell RN to BSN students are surveying Bothell residents, asking how well they are prepared for a disaster. The city of Bothell’s Emergency Preparedness Department is using the information in its planning.
August 17, 2018