News Stories by Topic

A complete list of stories featured in News from UW Bothell.

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UW Bothell Herbarium now on world index

A scientific compendium of dried plants housed at the Sarah Simonds Green Conservatory is now listed on the world’s largest index of such collections, known as herbaria.

June 12, 2019

President’s Medal to Kaheerman Saibire

An international student from China who learned English less than four years ago, Kaheerman Saibire was selected for the President’s Medal, which honors a student with a top GPA.

June 5, 2019

Chancellor’s Medal to Angelica Mendoza

A double major with a triple minor, Angelica Mendoza was awarded the UW Bothell Chancellor’s Medal. Asked what she wants to do, she says, “I want to do it all.”

May 30, 2019

Undergraduate research showcased

A record number of University of Washington Bothell students — 61 — presented their work at the 22nd Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium May 17 on the UW campus in Seattle.

May 29, 2019

Andrea Stone receives Mentor of the Year Award

Andrea Stone, who mentors students as an assistant professor and a substance-use researcher plus as faculty instructor for The CROW research journal, was selected for the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research & Creative Practice Mentor of the Year Award.

May 23, 2019

Math, econ merge in new Actuary Science minor

University of Washington Bothell students who graduate with the new minor in Actuary Science will be prepared to take the first credential exams they’ll need to become certified actuaries.

May 23, 2019

Team teaching poster one of best at symposium

A poster on team teaching by two University of Washington Bothell faculty members was judged one of the top three out of about 60 posters presented at UW’s 15th Annual Teaching & Learning Symposium in Seattle.

May 22, 2019