UPDATE 06/17/19:
Watch these videos from the ceremonies:
Hooding ceremony
Commencement ceremony
President’s medalist Kaheerman Saibire
Chancellor’s medalist Angelica Mendoza
And see these commencement photos taken by Marc Studer:
Hooding ceremony
Commencement ceremony
There’s a difference between graduation and commencement.
Graduation is when the University of Washington Bothell Office of the Registrar confirms you have completed degree requirements. It then sends you a diploma three or four months later. Congratulations on a significant achievement.
Commencement is the formal ceremony that celebrates your graduation. As your name is announced, you march in cap and gown with classmates to “Pomp and Circumstance” across a stage for a handshake from campus leaders and the gold-embossed cover in which you can put your diploma. The entire class is then invited to move their cap tassels from right to left as a visible sign you are now a college graduate.
The regalia and rituals are symbolic and tangible demonstrations of what graduation means. It’s a landmark in your life.

In the spirit of celebration, the UW Bothell Class of 2019 gathers June 16 at T-Mobile Park in Seattle for Commencement.
Here are some items and information of note as the day approaches:
- Watch commencement live at www.uwb.edu/commencement.
- Graduate students are celebrated in the Graduate Hooding ceremony—another long-standing academic tradition — on June 15 at Mobius Hall on campus. Watch the ceremony at www.facebook.com/uwbothell.
- Follow and share news of UW Bothell’s 2019 Commencement on Instagram @uwbothellgrads and Facebook @uwbothellcommencement
- Use the hashtag #uwbgrad19 and see your social media posts shared on stadium screens via Tagboard.
- The Class of 2019 has 2,238 graduates. That’s 1,982 bachelor’s degrees, 235 master’s degrees and 21 teaching certificates. Two-thirds (or 1,487 soon-to-be alumni) are participating in Commencement.
- The percentage of graduates by school is 30% from Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, 27% from Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, 24% from Business, 13% from Nursing & Health Studies and 6% from Educational Studies.
- Among this year’s class, 868 are first-generation baccalaureates.
- The oldest graduate is 68 and the youngest 18.
- Our international graduates came from as far away as Cambodia and Indonesia.
- About 15,000 friends and family will watch the Commencement ceremony from the stadium seats.
- Commencement speakers include UW President Ana Mari Cauce, UW Bothell Chancellor Wolf Yeigh, Associated Students of the University of Washington Bothell President Leah Shin and Commencement speaker, Bruce Harrell, who is a Husky alumnus and president of the Seattle City Council.
- The President’s Medal will be presented to Kaheerman Saibire and the Chancellor’s Medal to Angelica Mendoza, with highlights of their educational journeys shared in two videos.
- Donations to the Senior Class Gift will go to the Student Emergency Fund. Created by the Class of 2015, the fund helps UW Bothell students stay in school when they face an unexpected financial crisis.
- Graduates automatically join the international network of UW alumni, which includes more than 22,000 UW Bothell alumni. Continue to engage with the University by formally joining the UW Alumni Association.