Two University of Washington Bothell staff members and a UW Bothell staff team have all been nominated for the 2018 University of Washington Distinguished Staff Award, the highest staff honor at the University.
They are Marci L. Myers, fiscal specialist supervisor in the School of Business dean’s office; Christy Cherrier, science lab manager in the School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics; and the team that completed work on the new UW Bothell Cascadia College Campus Master Plan (CMP).
Myers, who has been with the School of Business more than 10 years, was nominated for her professionalism and dedication in handling growth and transitions. She is known as the go-to person in the school and is friendly and collaborative, said Pamela McGrath, the school’s former administrator, in her nominating letter. “Marci is the X factor that every school would covet.”

Cherrier, in addition to great lab skills, projects a warm cheerful attitude with the staff and professionalism in purchasing and organizing for the school, Troy Dunmire, a scientific instructional technician, said in his nominating letter. “She represents dedication to her staff and the University and her profession,” he wrote.
The CMP team included two staff from UW Bothell Planning and Administration: Kelly Snyder, assistant vice chancellor of government and community relations; and Amy Van Dyke, director of physical planning and space management. The team also included two staff from the UW Seattle campus: Kristine A Kenney, university landscape architect and director of campus design and plan; and Julie Blakeslee, environmental and land use planner. The team also included Meagan Walker, Cascadia College’s vice president of college relations and advancement.

Julie Blakeslee, Kristine Kenney, Amy Van Dyke and Kelly Snyder
/ Ruth Johnston photo
The new Campus Master Plan, which will help guide development for the next 20 years, took effect in January after approval by Cascadia trustees, UW regents and the Bothell City Council.
“The Campus Master Plan core team worked extensively for 18 months with the neighbors and broader UW Bothell and Cascadia campus community to establish trust and credibility by outlining a clear vision, timeline and opportunities to shape the final outcomes,” Ruth Johnston, vice chancellor of planning and administration, said in her nomination.
The University of Washington Distinguished Staff Awards program was established in 1997 to recognize outstanding accomplishments and extraordinary service. Nominees were honored at a reception in February in Seattle. Up to five recipients will be selected and honored at the annual awards of excellence ceremony in June.
The DSA is an annual university-wide honor through the office of UW Human Resources. In addition, the UW Bothell Department of Organizational Excellence & Human Resources takes nominations for the campus-specific staff appreciation award, which usually is awarded in May.

Front row from left: Sundar Balakrishnan, Beth Miguel Alipio, nominee Marci Myers, Khizran Noor,
Pam McGrath, Sandeep Krishnamurthy. Back row: Drew McCutchen / Matt Leib photo