School of Educational Studies Professor Cherry Banks reaches into the past for lessons from the 19th century intergroup education movement that can help contemporary educators gain insights into immigration issues.
She presents “Creating the world we want to live in: Lessons from the intergroup education movement” as the latest event in the Winter 2016 Research in Progress series.
Her presentation is Tuesday, Feb. 23, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in LB1-205.
Immigration has emerged as a hot issue in the current campaign for president. Banks says understanding debates about immigration in the past provide distance for insights into emotional contemporary issues. It’s also a departure point for teachers to think about curriculum content and teaching approaches.
Diversity is the theme for this winter’s Research in Progress, a course (BCUSP-2 credits) that introduces emerging scholars to research practices. It’s an opportunity for students to learn scholarship skills and faculty to learn about work of their colleagues. The course is taught by Charlotte Rasmussen, Ph.D., director of undergraduate research, and curated by the director of diversity.